Damola Mabogunje

Damola Mabogunje

Writer. Coder. Analyst.

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About Me

Software Engineer and Data Analyst by day, Blogger, Poet and Author, by night, I spend my days writing everything from the convex comma, to highly complex code. More recently however, I have found myself engrossed in the technology stacks and toolsets necessary to power business.

I began my professional career working on Websites and Customising Content Management Systems. As a young developer, I tried my hand at Application Development, Quality Testing, and as mentioned earlier Website Development. All of this, was in the U.S.

Eventually, I made my way back home to Nigeria, and started working at one of our family businesses. Now I head the ICT team at Toki Mabogunje & Co. aka TMC, and am responsible for all our technology decisions. Meanwhile, I have trained myself in Digital Marketing, Data Analytics, and E-Commerce.

Currently, I'm building out a new business called TMC Insight Labs to service local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), helping them grow by leveraging technology.

Latest Projects

project tmc-digital-communications

TMC Digital Communications Web Presence

We help Businesses of all types, to Start, Grow, and Excel

Some of what I do includes, but is not limited to:

  • Content Development, Curation, Design, and Distribution for our E-Newsletter, Blog, and Social Media.
  • Full Stack Website Development
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Analytics


  • Converted Newsletter to Digital, with over 4000 subscribers
  • More than doubled website traffic without paid advertisements.
  • Gained new leads and clients through our new/improved channels.
  • Analyzed & Identified key areas for further growth & improvement.

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project nigerian-graduates

Nigerian Graduates Analysis Data Analysis

This is an analysis I performed on survey data taken from a Kaggle Dataset of the responses of over 5000 graduates to a set of questions investigating their post-graduate circumstances called the Nigerian Graduate Report 2018 by Stutern.

I used R and R Markdown to perform and document my analysis. The results are best viewed in the Nigerian-Graduates-Analysis.html file or in R Studio where you can run the code chunks included in the Nigerian Graduates Analysis.Rmd R Markdown file.

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project cyclistic-analysis

Cyclistic Bike Share Analysis Data Analysis

This is an analysis I performed on a bike sharing company's data to unearth the differences between their member riders and their casual riders.

I used R and R Markdown to perform and document my analysis. The results are best viewed in the Bike-Share-Analysis.html file or in R Studio where you can run the code chunks included in the Bike Share Analysis.Rmd R Markdown file.

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project yorudi

Yorùdí CLI Utility

Yorùdí is a command-line Yoruba to English dictionary that I developed for myself to help me learn 2 languages at once: Scala, and Yoruba.

The tool is constantly in development as I add new words to my dictionary all the time! (and once in a blue moon some new features too :) )

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project jquery-yql

jQuery - YQL jQuery Plugin

jQuery-YQL was an easy to use YQL plugin for jQuery which I used to power some of the listings on this website (specifically the anime and reading lists) by interfacing with the respective websites' APIs directly. That is, until Yahoo retired the YQL tool in 2019.

Note: By my standards this plugin was still in Alpha and not fit to be shared, but now that it's irrelevant, I think it can serve as an example of the coding I sometimes do in my free time.

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project this-website

Personal Site Website

This site is built using Grav - The Modern Flat-File CMS. I update it frequently, as a live portfolio and example of my work.

Basically everything you may need or want to know about me is on here or linked to from here. So take a good look around. This. is. Damola Mabogunje.

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My Books

the-duet book

The Duet Poetry

This is the first collection of poetry in Nigeria, co-authored by a mother & son. A beautiful melody of perspectives of child and adult, the book presents the human experiences of young and old to its readers in a refreshing and heartwarming way.

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season-for-all-things book

A Season for All Things Poetry

In my second collection of poetry, I examine the peaks and valleys of life’s journey and the seasons we go through. This book reaches out and poses a challenge, daring the reader to live and live fully.

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whispers-of-the-heart book

Whispers of the Heart Poetry

Whispers of the heart is a collection of poems, co-authored by authors from across the globe expressing the deepest whispers of the human heart. I was fortunate to have my poem Until I had to Coo to You selected for this publication amongst 32 other co-authors.



Work Experience

Founder - TMC Insight Labs (2023 - Present)

TMC Insight Labs is a Digital Innovation Hub founded in 2023 to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) leverage technology in their operations. The company is setup to:

  • Help companies become more competitive by improving their processes by means of digital technology
  • Provide skills, training and support in the area of advanced digital skills
  • Support companies to improve their business models through the use of new technologies
  • Act as a facilitator to bring together industry, businesses and organisations which are in need of new technological solutions on the one side with companies that have market-ready solutions on the other side

Chief Technology Officer - Toki Mabogunje & Co. (2015 - Present)

As C.T.O. and Head, Communications & Technology, I am responsible for all of our online digital efforts - including but not limited to the following:

  • Website Front & Backend Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Business Intelligence & Analytics
  • Technology Risk Management

Software Engineer - The Math Forum (2013 - 2015)

My time at the Math Forum was spent creating tools for Pedagogic teaching and learning at the high school level. In particular, my responsibilities revolved around one all-encompasing tool, aptly named EnComPass.

  • JavaScript Front & Backend Development (Node JS, Ember JS)
  • NoSQL Database Design (Mongo DB)
  • TDD (regression, integration, code quality, and unit tests)
  • Development of Best Practices

Web Developer - Drexel University (2008 - 2012)

I started working for the Drexel University CS dept. as an Undergrad. At the time the department was moving from MediaWiki to Drupal so all my work involved Drupal customizations.

  • On-demand development of Drupal templates, views, and other features.
  • Content Management, Taxonomy, and Classification
  • Data Migration

Application Developer - JPMorgan Chase & Co. (2009)

At JPMC, I worked for the Ethical Hacking Team responsible for evaluating and ensuring the security of the firms applications. I built a Vulnerability Assessment tool for the team to rate the vulnerability of applications as per the CVSS 2 standard.

  • Windows Application Development (C#)
  • Relational Database Design (MySQL)
  • Application Architecture (UML)

My Github

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